This is not me and i am not a girl (I am not gay - I just love cats). I do not have a graphic tablet because I am a newb and I have read that its better to learn to use the pencil before painting (dig ...
This is a pencil drawing from photo reference. I have used a 2b pencil and finished it in 5-6 hours (I am a newb so feel free to bitch around..) I have to excuse the bad quality because I have n ...
Ich kann deutsch da ich in Deutschland geboren wurde - bin aber Jugoslawe..
�berbelichtet? Ich hab mit dem *levels* - Teil in Photoshop rumgefummelt damit das Teil etwas sauber aussieht..
I am pretty new at drawing and I have serious difficulties with drawing humans (or creatures) from imagination. I never seem to get the perspective right when drawing living things. Drawing prim ...