thanks once i get some more paints im gonna start and try to do skin tones..i think im gonna be doing more tradtional pictures than computer. for some reason i get a better feeling when im totally in ...
im starting to work with water color more just messing around with differnt techniques to try and get a hold..i think im gonna rent out a few books one day and try and pic up something. the first one ...
heh ok again i dont knwo what im doin here my stuff doesn't even come to compare with other peopel stuff on here...wells these are some of the stuff i've been doin on my free time the only one that is ...
hey thanks guys i'll most def be back here in hopes to learn from the very talented people. i gots alot to learn im still not pleased with the kind of work im doin now..but i gots a long ways to go.
um i do some digital work and digital art, i just wanted to post my site and get some feedback since peopel here are real talented. images/smiles/icon_cool.gif