Hey thanks Matthew..
I already belong to a couple of Forums so I know occasionally we get foul mouthed idiots who just want to massage their own ego's, rather than be part of a creative online commun ...
This is not really my area of expertise, but I'm sure someone will be along soon with more comprehensive advice. While you are waiting why not have a look at [URL=http://www.sumaleth.com/links/]Sumale ...
I have spent a long time trying to find forums that encourage digital art and artists. I must admit that the childishness of the past four pages has almost put me off this site.
I am on a 56k dialup ...
I've never used Painter (I mostly use PhotoShop) but I love what I see. Great atmosphere. One thing bugged me a bit, on the face of the Antediluvian there is a piece of hair/spike? seemingly sticking ...